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In the middle months of the year 2019 our lives would change forever. Admission and acceptance was what was on our mind. A chance to change our lives, to prove ourselves to the outer world. It was at this moment that we became students of the University of Indonesia. With a new place to embrace our knowledge and education, comes new experience that we are urged to overcome, as it is a part of growing up, especially for an International student in the University of Indonesia. New people, new environment, new experience. Every day we take another step towards a new us. It is not and will not be an easy process. Each of us is facing it and adjusting in our own unique ways. 


As a student coming out of Jakarta Intercultural School I was confident. My academic abilities, I assured myself, would make me thrive in this school with ease. For the most part this ended up being true, academically, that is. What I did not expect was the challenges I would face with Every. Single. Other part of being a part of this community. I was not at home, I was instead far from it. I was assured that through the international class I would only need to speak English. THis was my first mistake. I was immediately lose with my classmates, communication ironically was borderline impossible. This would cause a number of things. The first was confusion, then disappointment. 


Starting as a student from a private school and transitioning into a public university has not been easy for me. Adapting to a society where everyone is one step ahead of you is hard. I never expected to be accepted into this University since both of my older siblings did not pass the test. For me, it was a privilege for me to be able to continue both of my parent’s legacy as a student at this University. From what I have experienced until now, I felt that University life is much more flexible and much looser, in a good way. the environment in college is also more likely to be open-minded and supportive compared to my school years which as filled with toxic personalities. I became less stressful and more ease towards the problems that I had to overcome. We are also free to learn what we are interested in, unlike school.

Fira: I never thought I’d be a student at the University of Indonesia. I’ve never had any ambition whatsoever so honestly, I would’ve settled in any university regardless of its quality. I was nervous to be here. I mean, I still am. This is probably the most renowned university in Indonesia and I was not nearly the smartest student in my highschool. I immediately prepared myself for the worst. However, I never expected to enjoy college life as much as I do today. Sure, it can be draining and nerve-wracking at times but compared to highschool, I find that I’m more free to explore and express myself here. I’m also doing so much better academically because the subjects are within my capability compared to the ones in high school science course. As I said, I expected the worst. So the life that I have right now is more than I could’ve hoped for.

Ayf: starting university can be an exciting experience, but its also gave me a new challenges. my parents obliged me to enter a public university. if i dont get a public university, i would not go to college at all and have to try next year. now i know i have to study harder. after the selection, apparently i entered the universitas indonesia. my parents were happy and proud of me. because now im a student of universitas indonesia, I have to adapt to the environment. starting from calculating how long the trip from my house to the univ, and what route should i take. and then i have to adapt to new friends. at first, i only hangout with friends who are the same high school as me, so i dont have to start from the begining and introducing my self, since they already know me. but in a few weeks i make a new friends and get to know more people.

Agharid: -

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